- There is no classification
- Contact:郑先生
- Phone:0592-6088819
- fax:0592-5536136
Company Name: |
Xiamen Mingyuan Biotechnology |
Company type: |
企业单位 (制造商) |
area: |
Fujian/Xiamen City |
Company Size: |
100-499人 |
Registered capital: |
5000000人民币 |
Registration year: |
2004 |
Data certification: |
security deposit: |
Already paid ¥0.00 元 |
Business model: |
制造商 |
Business Scope: |
Taiwan enzyme, chelate enzyme, fruit and vegetable enzyme, fruit enzyme, SOD enzyme, noni fruit enzyme, L-arabic enzyme, enzyme liquid, enzyme powder, enzyme tablets, enzyme plum, enzyme meal replacement powder, Tongkat Ali, Peruvian maca , black maca, maca tea, maca liquid, blood diamond oats, dendrobium, moringa, moringa leaves, cordyceps, donkey hide gelatin, Antrodia camphorata, salina, protein powder, astaxanthin, probiotics, okra, collagen Protein, ginger-date tea, bird's nest, Qingqingbao, amino acids, lactic acid bacteria, Hericium, Korean ginseng, ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, stachyose, natural beta carotene and hundreds of other single products! |
Sales Products: |
台湾酵素、螯合酵素、果蔬酵素、水果酵素、SOD酵素、诺丽果酵素、L-阿拉伯酵素、酵素液、酵素 粉、酵素片、酵素梅、酵素代餐粉、东革阿里、秘鲁玛咖、黑玛咖、玛咖茶、玛咖液、血钻燕麦、铁皮石斛、辣 木、辣木叶、虫草、阿胶、牛樟芝、盐藻、蛋白质粉、虾青素、益生菌、金秋葵、胶原蛋白、姜枣茶、燕窝、清 清宝、氨基酸、乳酸菌、猴头菇、高丽参、人参、灵芝、水苏糖、天然β胡萝卜素等等上百种单品! |
major business: |